Happy New Year, and thanks for your support in 2024!
Here at Foil Cedrus, we thank you heartily for your support in 2024 and want to share some insights into our accomplishments in the past year. Our success is based on continued support from dedicated customers like you. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to do what we do.
- Moved into a new location and built a manufacturing facility
- Delivered Launch Customer masts in Q1
- Obtained a paint booth and hired a painter to bring finishing in-house
- Rebranded from Project Cedrus to Foil Cedrus
- Launched a new Shopify site
- Began full-time production of the Evolution Surf and Evolution Wind Masts
- We learned “A LOT” about painting and finishing carbon masts with environmentally friendly finishes
- Our UV-curable clearcoat is harder, more scratch-resistant, and slippery through the water than traditional paints
- But, it also processes much differently, requiring new techniques for surface preparation and spraying
- We are training our team for future technologies, and sticking with this coating has been expensive and painful at times, but we believe it’s the right thing to do for the planet, our customers, and our business.
- Leveraged packing waste from our local auto-body facility to ship masts across the globe
- Assembled and finished hundreds of carbon masts from March to December, all in our own facility
- Sold out of our aluminum masts and began prototyping the replacement
- Added new equipment to expedite the manufacturing process from start to finished product
- For the first time, we are now stocking masts in inventory
- Added two strategic partners to sell our masts
- Grew the team from Kyle and Scott (the paint Czar) to Stasi and myself to assist with manufacturing, customer service, and fulfillment
- To learn more about our team, click here
With all of that, what could be in store for 2025?
- Our #1 priority is to serve existing customers with support, new adapters, and service to get the most out of their mast. You can always reach us through the contact form on this site
- Continue to refine Evolution Wind and Surf manufacturing, improving quality, reducing finishing time, to get more masts out the door
- Introduce our new Evolution Aluminum mast, which will serve a different section of the market and bring new customers to the brand with a common adapter interface
- New partnerships for our products and marketing
- Stay tuned; we have some exciting news coming soon!
Thank you again for your continued support of Foil Cedrus. We look forward to what 2025 has in store for our team, and you, our loyal customers.
Kurt and everyone at Foil Cedrus